Thursday, June 17, 2010

FCC Votes to Open Title II Reclassification for Broadband Access

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has taken the first step toward imposing limited regulations on broadband providers by voting Thursday to launch a notice of inquiry exploring the change.

The commission voted three to two to launch the notice of inquiry, which asks for public comment on a proposal by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to reclassify broadband as a common-carrier regulated service. It might be an expensive proposition, if the FCC proceeds.

Proposed regulation of high-speed Internet service as a "common carrier" service could cost the U.S. economy at least $62 billion annually over the next five years--a total of $310 billion--and eliminate 502,000 jobs, according to a study released by the Advanced Communications Law & Policy Institute at New York University Law School.

The report estimates that broadband providers and related industries may cut their investments by 10 percent to 30 percent from 2010 to 2015 in response to additional regulation.

At at 30 percent reduction in investment, the economy might sustain an $80 billion hit, according to Charles Davidson, director of the law school's Advanced Communications Law & Policy Institute.

"There will be follow-on effects in the whole ecosystem," said Bret Swanson, president of technology researcher Entropy Economics in Zionsville, Ind., who co-authored the study with Davidson. "A diminution of investment by the big infrastructure companies will reduce network capacity, new services, and investment by all the ecosystem companies."

These investments would spur capital expenditures by others in the ecosystem. A five-percent incremental increase in capital expenditures by the rest of the  ecosystem companies could boost investment by approximately $18 billion per year between 2010 and 2015--about $90 billion over five years--and yield an additional 450,000 jobs created or sustained.

One might ask whether it makes sense to place further burdens on a business whose revenue steadily is declining as a percentage of total end-user communications spending. It wouldn't be the first time the FCC or Congress has moved to essentially disrupt industry structure in hopes of spurring higher consumer welfare.

In the Telecommunications Act of 1996, voice services were liberalized. What nobody apparently anticipated is that wireline voice would suddenly reach its zenith, and begin a long, steady decline. The background assumption was that the business was a "growth" business, rather than a "declining" business. But common sense suggests that different policies are needed when a business is shrinking, than when it is growing, when a business can grow faster because of more competition and when it will simply decline faster because of new constraints. $310 Billion Economic Loss, Over 5 Years if Title II Rules are Imposed

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