Friday, June 24, 2011

How Mobile Is Changing Social Media | Social Media Examiner

With all the change going on the social software and mobility spaces, it's easy to mistake what the potential importance might be. Consider the matter of "location," which some associate with the "check in" feature. That is important to some users, but lots of people would say it doesn't provide much value at the moment, and that is a reasonable assessment.

But location-based services at some point will more clearly be seen as changing the way businesses use social media and software, some would say. "Where I am right now" is a bit of information that changes the context of social networking when correlated with "where are my friends, associates and relatives, right now?" The difference is that location awareness potentially leads to different kinds of sharing and messaging. And many of the changes relate to potential commerce activities.

"Location" also is changing the way brands are going to do "advertising" and "promotion."

One often hears it said that social networking (different than social software in a larger sense) is becoming a substantially "mobile-focused" experience. There are location implications there as well.

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