Monday, June 20, 2011

Facebook Display Revenues to Nearly Double in 2011

Net US Online Display Ad Revenue Growth at Top Five Ad-Selling Companies, 2009-2012 (% change)Facebook will grow its net U.S. display revenues in 2011 by another 81 percent to $2.19 billion, eMarketer estimates. If the prediction proves correct, Facebook will pass Yahoo! to become the top seller of display ads in the U.S. market.

Net US Online Display Ad Revenues at Top 5 Ad-Selling Companies as a Percent of Total Display Ad Revenues, 2009-2012This near-doubling of display ad revenues is a slowdown in growth for Facebook, which posted triple-digit display ad revenue growth in 2009 and 2010 when its display revenues were at relatively low levels. Next year, growth will slow further to just 31.3 percent.

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