Sunday, August 7, 2011

Google+ Circles: Privacy as Social Media "Dark Matter"

Google SVP Vic Gundotra says there is a good reason much content posted by female Google+ users does not seem as prevalent as material posted by males. "Sometimes if you're not careful, when you're just observing from outside, you mistakenly might be saying, 'Oh, the women aren't commenting.' But it's just a matter of taste," Gundotra says. "They may be doing it to Circles, and you're just not seeing it."

"You'll visit a woman's profile, and it will look like there is no activity. But if you're in one of her Circles, it's filled with content," says Gundotra. "When people share, they are two to three times more likely to share to a Circle than publicly. That means most of the excitement on Google is dark matter; it's not visible."

1 comment:

andremartin said...

social media Why believe an advertisement when you have the benefit of social media? Would you trust an advertisement over your friends recommendations and reviews? Of course you wouldn't! Hence, I believe Social Media is the most truthful form of marketing for your business.

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