Monday, August 15, 2011

Mobile Phones A Content Medium These Days

In the last 30 days, 51 percent of survey respondents had used their phone at least once to get information they needed right away, says the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

Also, 27 percent said that they experienced a situation in the previous month in which they had trouble doing something because they did not have their phone at hand, the Pew Center reports.

Some 40 percent of cell owners said they found themselves in an emergency situation in which having their phone with them helped, while 42 percent of phone owners  used their phone for entertainment when they were bored.
About 70 percent  of respondents 18 to 29 have used their phone for entertainment when they were bored, while 64 percent have used their phone to quickly retrieve information they needed.

Some 42 percent report they have had trouble doing something because they did not have their phone nearby.

The survey confirms that text messaging and picture taking continue to top the list of ways that Americans use their mobile phones. Some 73 percent use their phones for each of these purposes.

Other relatively common activities include sending photos or videos to others (54 percent of respondents) as well as accessing the internet (44 percent).

Read more here.

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