Saturday, July 14, 2012

Email "Overload" Isn't a Myth, But Can't be Replaced, Either

"Email overload," like message overload of any sort, is a problem, but likely is not a truly "solvable" problem, either. Some would say other one-to-many messaging formats work better. If you are on the receiving end of all those messages, you might not agree, though. And that's probably the bigger problem: most people have to do more work, more collaboratively, with more people, much faster.

Email might not be the best medium for all types of messaging, as one-to-many often works better. But not all communications can be handled that way.

According to Dawna Ballard, associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies at UT Austin, “The feedback loops in organizational communication are becoming more compressed, leading to an increase in the quantity of work, which in turn requires faster communication with a greater number of people in the same time frame as before.”

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