Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fictional Characters for Content Marketing

perry-kathybethForced to compete with countless mediums for attention, brand marketers are using fictional characters on sites such as Facebook to create content with a marketing purpose.

Producing an interesting music video - or a web video or ad creative - is no longer enough, some would say. It's the unique way in which that promotional content is presented that remains in the minds of consumers and incites a sale.

Sony Pictures demonstrated this two years ago as it prepared to release its motion picture "2012." 

The entertainment company's marketing efforts included an official film website, a microsite, several blogs, a YouTube channel, a Facebook fan page, and a Twitter account, but other than the film site, every initiative was based on fictional characters and organizations from the movie.

A similar approach was taken earlier this year by Danish company SF Films A/S as it endeavored to promote its family film "Max Pinlig." Rather than run Facebook ads, SF Films elected to create Facebook pages for six of its fictional characters and link them to the primary Facebook page for the movie.

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