Monday, May 2, 2011

Facebook Dominates Display Advertising

Google Facebook Yahoo revenues

It wasn't so long ago that observers speculated about whether Facebook could keep growing, much less find a viable, self-sustaining business model. Looking at Facebook's share of online display ads, the concern about business or revenue model is not relevant any longer.

[FACEBOOK]The only question might be the scale of Facebook's ad operations. These days, it is Twitter that occasionally still faces questions about its own revenue model.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Thanks for the interesting article, it is fascinating how quickly advertising technology has advanced and changed, and the entire advertising industry is putting its focus on the mobile market now. I find targeting advertising principles to be very clever, yet I am not sure how I feel about companies having access to personal details about ourselves which point them in the direction which they should target us. Thanks again.

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