Friday, December 17, 2010

Online Video Will Probably Follow the Early Steamship Model

Over-the-top video clearly resonates with consumers. The big challenge is figuring out a revenue model for the content owners and providers that supplies the content people want, at prices they are willing to pay.

Some might predict that the interim business model will essentially be the same as was adopted by sailing ships as the "age of steam" arrived. At first, sailing ships were outfitted with boilers, and used both methods of propulsion. Only later did virtually all ships convert to steam-only propulsion.

That's probably going to happen with entertainment video as well.

Verizon's "Flex View for FiOS" is one example, as is "TV Everywhere." FiOS subscribers can rent or purchase on-demand content and watch it on up to five devices.

Netflix takes a somewhat similar approach, allowing consumers to rent either DVDs or stream content, all as part of a single subscription.

One suspects that is going to be a dominant pattern, for the time being. Content owners and networks will not want to move too quickly to essentially cannibalize one existing revenue stream while trying to grow the new one.

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