Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How Telecom Industry Will be Like the Airline Industry

Sometimes, you have to say what nobody really wants to hear. So here is a nugget from Bell Labs: By 2025, the global telecom service provider industry is going to shrink from 800 firms to about 110, lead by just five global giants, according to Bell Labs. That is a reduction of 86 percent, by 2025.

To use an analogy, the future telecom business (eight years from now) will look like the global airline industry. A handful of firms will operate globally. About a hundred firms will be local partners, affiliated with one or more of the global entities into a “network” such as “Star Partners.”

In recent years, three global alliances have gotten 73 percent passenger share.

There are other similarities. Both airline and telecom industries are nearing maturity (already mature in developed regions, still in growth phase in many developing regions) and facing declining average revenue per unit.

In the telecom business, a new competitive landscape will emerge, characterized by “the emergence of a new global-local duality of new service providers with either global or local focus,” says Bell Labs. There will be 10 global service providers that offer global connectivity, cloud and contextualized control and content (C&C) services.

In addition, there will be  100 local cloud-integrated network providers that offer domestic, hyper-local connectivity, edge cloud and contextual C&C services.

“Stitching it all together: a global-local alliance framework that connects and interworks the local and global service providers, similar to that of the airline industry,” says Bell Labs.

Will you be working for one of those 110 firms in 2025? And, if so, what do you need to know, today, to get ready?

That is the key challenge that underlies “Telecom Week,” a five-day training program created by the Pacific Telecommunications Council and aimed at mid-career telecom professionals, regulatory staffs and C-suite executives who will have to evaluate what 5G means for their businesses.

The premise is that, within a decade, there will be a dramatic, stunning reshaping of the global telecom business, and that, to survive, telecom professionals, regulators and suppliers need to prepare right now, for a cataclysmic change.

Instructors for telecom week will be leading discussions of what will future networks--and your business--will look like in the future, and what must you do now, to get there.  

The strategic problems the leaders of tomorrow’s telecom companies be grappling with, and what can today’s middle managers do--now--to prepare for the day when they are part of those leadership teams, also are key.

Telecom Week, to be held in Bangkok beginning 18 September and concluding on 22 September, is an unparalleled effort by PTC to quickly train telecom professionals on the profound changes coming in mobile and fixed telecommunications, with two full days looking at mobile and 5G, and three days looking at the broader strategic context for the telecom industry.

By the end of the week, attendees will have learned what 5G means, where the industry is headed and how they need to think about a vastly-different industry, and new roles within their companies.

The program begins with two days of training on 5G/mobility, at Spectrum Futures. The program continues with three days of management training at PTC Academy, introducing mid-career professionals to the strategic issues they and their firms will face in the near future.

Attendees at each of the programs will earn a certificate of completion, as well as gain key insight on where the industry is headed, what will happen and how to prepare for the coming changes.

Register now for Telecom Week events Spectrum Futures and PTC Academy. Your future may depend on it.

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