Monday, July 3, 2017

Moving Up the Stack: 1/2 of Addressable Mobile IoT Opportunity?

Moving up the stack in the internet of things ecosystem will not be easy for mobile operators, if necessary.

The most-logical approach for many tier-one service providers is to create an application enablement platforms for IoT connections. Essentially, using the frameworks mean IoT devices will be “plug and play” on a specific network.

Such platforms generally supply a set of tools that simplify the process of building IoT solutions. Most solutions support analytics, data integration tools and run-time environments and are “horizontal” in focus, rather than aimed at specific industry verticals.

Several roles seem now to make sense. Mobile operators can offer a horizontal enablement platform, supplying device management for developers. That might represent a global market worth about US$20 billion in 2025.

Some mobile operators might try to create solutions for industry verticals. Such platforms might make sense in the healthcare area, as that overlaps with the “health and fitness” category where personal monitors already are routine.

That might represent a US$10 billion opportunity. A few mobile operators might develop end-to-end solutions for verticals such as fleet management. That might be worth US$19 billion, Analysys Mason predicts.

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