Monday, July 1, 2013

"Wireless" Has Changed Since 1990

worldmapseparate2Spectrum is the necessary foundation for wireless services of all kinds, and over the last several decades, the number of services, and types of services, have multiplied. 

Though some industry professionals will rightly point to scenarios where waveguides (optical fiber, coaxial cable, twisted pair) are better choices, wireless has assumed a dominant role for communications. In 1990, broadcast radio and broadcast TV were arguably the top wireless apps most consumers used.

worldmapseparateBy the turn of the century, mobile phones had clearly become the major new service consumers were familiar with, and used.

By 2010, Wi-Fi had become a highly-popular and familiar application used by consumers.

What might have changed by 2020 is not yet so clear, but at least expect that new ways of sharing spectrum could emerge by that point, with Internet access likely the main application.

worldmapseparate1By 2030, it is conceivable that new lead uses or apps might have emerged as well. 

All of that will begin with regulators in many countries making decisions to enable innovative new uses of spectrum. 

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