Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dish Network to Stream Their Subs Satellite TV on Mobiles

Dish Network subscribers will soon be able to watch live satellite TV on their mobile devices at no extra cost, Dish Network says.

Dish Network Corp. is planning to offer the feature on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and BlackBerry devices in September and on phones using Google Inc.'s Android system in October.

Subscribers will need Sling Media Inc.'s SlingBox, which retails for $180 to $300.

Dish subscribers can also pay $200 to $400 to upgrade to Dish's high-definition digital video recorder with SlingBox features. They'll need to pay $10 a month for multiple DVR service.

The new plan is a piece of the broader move by existing multichannel video providers to add mobile access to their existing customers.


RobCal said...

This is cool, well maybe... How is this any different than the way I use my slingbox today?

Gary Kim said...

You'll be able to use your mobile (some models) as the remote player, instead of having to use the PC.

Unknown said...

That is very good news for all mobile user.Now we can any place and anywhere seen the video..Thanks for new information..


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