Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Google Adds "History" Results for Android, iPhone

Google has extended the "Google Mobile Web Search" feature by adding the "history" display that has been available for Chrome users on PCs for some time. The new "history" display shows a user's past searches.

To choose one of your previous searches, just tap the result. I've found the history feature to be quite useful on a PC, but on a touchscreen mobile, it is even more useful, as it means users have a sort of "passive bookmark" capability, allowing a fast navigation to a web page without having to type in the address or do a search to find the website.

Froyo (Android operating system version 2.2) just downloaded to my Evo. So far, I haven't noticed anything different, except for a few icons changing. Of course, I haven't had time to play with it.

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