Friday, August 13, 2010

iPad Users Change Reading, Browsing, Gaming Habits

If results of a U.K. consumer poll are any indication, tablet PCs are about to change Web browsing, gaming and reading preferences.

According to survey conducted by Cooper Murphy Webb, Apple’s iPad is the preferred method of reading newspapers and magazines among consumers already owning the device.

The poll also found that a plurality of iPad owners prefer the device for reading books and gaming. Perhaps surprisingly, respondents indicated they used their dedicated gaming consoles and iPads about equally when gaming. If that holds up, it could mean trouble for game console suppliers. 

And a significant percentage prefer the iPad for Web browsing as well. That finding is less surprising, if one assumes the tablet device is designed to be used as a content consumption device.

Cooper Murphy Webb  polled 1034 U.K. iPad owners.

It's hard to tell at the moment whether the behavior of early adopters will be the same, or similar to, habits of more mainstream users.

The results, if they are replicated by other surveys, suggest the tablet has potential to disrupt and replace user behaviors for any number of other consumer electronics devices. Mobile phones and MP3 players are probably safest. PCs, notebooks, netbooks, ebook readers and game consoles would seem to be most at risk.

That's a rather broad base of devices threatened by tablet devices.

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